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What is Happening?

Douglas Shire Council is leading the development of a new flood study for the Bloomfield River. As a catchment-wide study, this will provide additional flood risk information for Degarra, Wujal Wujal and Ayton which can help better understand the potential flood hazards in the region. The study will be conducted by a team of hydrologists and flood experts from JB Pacific. They will be working closely with Douglas Shire Council and the local community as they gather information on the recent flooding.  The study will take a comprehensive look at the Bloomfield valley, including the causes and frequency of flooding.

How Can I Contribute to the Flood Study?

As an initial step, a questionnaire was prepared to gather information on local flood experiences. Hard copies were distributed to flooded residents, and an online survey created enabling community members to share their experience of flooding and any photos of flooding. Responses closed 16 July 2024

Project Details

This study is the first stage of the floodplain management process. Its goal is to provide detailed mapping to allow Douglas Shire Council to have an even better understanding of potential flood risks to assist with future development, planning, community education and mitigation works. This will help to ensure new construction and development in flood-prone areas minimizes the impacts of flooding and protects the safety and well-being of our community making us more resilient.

This study will include collecting data on past flood events, topography, and other flood data from our community, through the community survey mention above. The study will also include a public consultation process, where residents can provide feedback on the study findings.

We encourage all community members to get involved and stay informed about this project. Together, we can guide this study and its outcomes to ensure that the process has considered the community’s concerns and understanding of flood risk, their experiences of flooding to produce a robust flood study providing resilience for our community for years to come. Progress updates of the study will be provided on this page as well as in the regular newsletter.

There will also be opportunities for community members to collaborate in the study through either, community workshops, consultation, and surveys.


Survey Responses Requested by 16 July

If you require any further information, or have any feedback or concerns, please contact Gaye Scott,

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