Council now offers an Annual Approval for registered not for profit organisations to conduct up to and including 11 events per year without having to apply for a temporary food stall permit each time. The approval period commences on December 1st each year and is valid until the 30th November the following year.
How To Apply
To apply for your annual approval, complete the application form EHT6 – Application for Annual Approval to Operate a Food Stall (NFP) and submit this to for processing. Upon approval, you will be provided with an Annual Approval Certificate for the twelve month period following.
EHT6 - Application For Annual Approval To Operate A Food Stall-Not For Profit Organisations (360.1 KiB)
Non-profit organisations need only apply for an annual approval by completing the above EHT6 – Application for Annual Approval to Operate a Food Stall (NFP) form for activities such as:
- selling packaged food
- sausage sizzles
- pie sales
- selling unpackaged food that is not a meal
- selling food that is not potentially hazardous
- cakes, biscuits and light morning tea items
Whilst holding a full food business licence is not required, adherence to Food Standards Code requirements in terms of the operation of your temporary premises and personal hygiene still apply however.
For guidelines on setting up a Temporary Not for Profit Food Stall, visit Temporary Food Premises Set Up Guide.

If your non-profit organisation is preparing meals 12 or more times a year, you may require a full food business licence. Please contact Council’s Environmental Health Team on 07 4099 9444 to discuss this further and enquire about what the licencing process entails.
The definition of “meal” under the Food Act 2006 includes food that:
- is, or is intended to be, eaten by a person sitting at a table or fixed structure used as a table with cutlery and is of adequate substance as to be ordinarily accepted as a meal.