Boundary and dividing fences

The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 (commenced on 1 November 2011) contains new laws on fences.

It relates to constructing and repairing fences (including any structure, ditch, embankment, hedge or similar vegetation barrier) that divide adjoining land. It aims to help you obtain a contribution from your neighbour.

If you are planning to build a fence over two metres high you must obtain a building approval (from a private certifier), in addition to meeting the requirements under the Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2001.  Visit the Queensland Legislation website for more information.

The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General website also provides more information about dividing fences, including a guide with a suggested plan of action which may be helpful in avoiding conflict with your neighbours about fencing and trees.

Approval to build a fence

If you are planning to build a fence over two metres high you must obtain a building development approval from a private building certifier, in addition to meeting the requirements under the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act.

The private certifier will refer the application to council for assessment against the Queensland Development Code.