What pet owners need to know

In Queensland, a person who becomes an owner of a dog must register the dog in the relevant local government’s area within 14 days of becoming the owner. Micro-chipping your dog is NOT registration. Failure to register your dog can result in a fine.

It is a requirement in Queensland when supplying or giving away a cat or dog to another person that the animal be microchipped. A fine can be issued by Council when a cat or dog is supplied without a microchip implanted into the animal.

If you become the owner of a cat or dog and it has not been implanted with a microchip, you still need to ensure, within 14 days of becoming the owner, that the animal is implanted with a microchip.

Under Douglas Shire Council’s Local Laws, it is prohibited to keep more than one cat or dog north of the Kimberley Range for allotments located in a Conservation Planning Area.

Should you require further information, or wish to report concerns or breaches relating to the keeping of animals in Douglas Shire, please call Council of 4099 9444.

Application for dog registration

  • Use this form to register your dog, or change registration details.
  • All dogs aged 12 weeks and over must be registered with Council.
  • Registration is free for dogs aged under six months.
  • Registering your pet helps Council reunite your pet if it is impounded, or to notify you in case of an accident.
  • Discounted registration is offered for desexed dogs.
  • Payment of applicable fees must be received by Council before new registrations will be processed.

Download the form below

AM01 - Application For Dog Registration 24-25 (320.6 KiB)

Application to keep excess animals

Use this form to provide details on excess animals.

Download the form below

AM03 - Application For Permit To Keep Excess Animals 24-25 (269.2 KiB)

Change of dog ownership

Use this form to inform Council of change of dog ownership.

Download the form below

AM02 - Application For Change Of Ownership - Dog Registration 24-25 (243.5 KiB)