Welcome to Queensland Globe
The Queensland Globe provides an online interactive experience to view Queensland’s location based information.
The Queensland Globe displays large amounts of data which may impact on your data plan usage.
It is best experienced on late model PCs, smartphones or tablets, using modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari).
For PCs, the home page includes a “Take a Tour” to assist you to best use the Queensland Globe.
The Queensland Globe help pages are designed to provide you with answers to the most frequently asked questions along with some assistance in using the most advanced features of the application.
We suggest that you Take Tour on the welcome page of the Queensland Globe to familiarize yourself with the main features of the application before using the links provided in the table of contents below for additional information.
A complete list of layers is available in the The Queensland Globe Layer Catalogue which is updated regularly.
Based on feedback some information layers have been placed in new categories in the layer list. Layers that were in the Feature Globes in the original Globe are also placed in categories in the layer list.
Please refer to this file (Changed.CSV) to see which layers have been moved, and this file (No change.CSV) to see which layers have remained in place. We continue to encourage your feedback and participation in creating the best possible Queensland Globe – email us at opendata@dnrme.qld.gov.au.
If you would like to keep up with Queensland Globe’s latest updates, you can subscribe to our mailing list here.
Last updated 29/08/2019