Rates Fees and Charges

Rates & Charges
Council levies and collects rates to raise revenue for the provision of essential services and infrastructure to the community.
Types of Rates & Charges
Differential general rates will be levied on all rateable land in the Council area.
Fees & Charges
Douglas Shire Council has adopted a fees and charges schedule for the 2024/25 financial year.
Issue of Notices
Rate notices are issued half-yearly - approximately in January and July each year. Water notices are issued three times a year.
Property Valuations
The Valuer-General provides statutory land valuations for all rateable properties in Queensland in accordance with the Land Valuation Act 2010.
Remissions/ Concessions & Rebates
Pension remission applications must be in writing on the prescribed form and contain a declaration as to the accuracy of the information contained.
Rural Addressing
Rural addressing is a method of identifying and addressing rural properties throughout Australia.
Payment Options
Council offers a variety of payment options for rates and water billing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question about your rates? We may already have the answer.
Revenue Sources
Councils are required to adopt a budget for each financial year. The annual budget must be consistent with the aims and direction of the council’s corporate plan, its revenue policy and annual operational plan.