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COVID-19 Info Session – Diwan

Queensland State Government’s announcement about the Public Health orders expected to take effect on 17 December 2021 have caused some angst among some business owners in the Daintree.

Vaccination rates are relatively low among people living north of the Daintree River. Some people have expressed concern about the impact the health orders will have on their ability to keep operating without access to staff.

Queensland Health has arranged to run a COVID Information Session in Diwan. They will endeavour to answer as many questions as they can, whether it’s about deep cleaning, potential future lockdowns or information about the safety and/or efficacy of vaccinations available. Representative attending include:

▪ COVID-19 Vaccination Nursing Director
▪ A Senior Epidemiologist
▪ A Staff Specialist Physician
▪ Cow Bay, Director of Nursing

The Douglas Economic Recovery Group will also be attending, and business owners will have an opportunity to explain what challenges they face in complying with the Health Orders.

RSVPs Requested Please

Heritage Lodge will need to set up appropriate seating and will be providing tea/coffee and light snacks. Please RSVP to Gaye Scott, or call Gaye on 0418 793 009.

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