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The meeting scheduled to occur at the Mossman Boating and Fishing Clubhouse, Newell Beach tonight (5:00pm-6:30pm) has been re-scheduled due to the adverse weather conditions. The meeting will now take place Tuesday 27 April 5:00pm-6:30pm.  DSC together with facilitator, Phil Laycock apologise for the inconvenience caused. Phil is keen to hear the community’s views, ideas and aspirations for a sustainable fishing future for the Douglas shire and encourages you to come along next Tuesday.

Tuesday April 20 5:30PM-7PM
Port Douglas Community Hall

Fishing for the Future in Douglas Shire workshop continues from discussions that were held at previous workshop earlier in February 2021.

Marine Biologist Phil Laycock is hosting Part 2 – Fishing for the Future in Douglas Shire community workshop at the Port Douglas Community Hall. The workshop is seeking further community input into the development of a Recreational Fishing Strategy for the Douglas Shire. It is expected to discuss community’s vision of establishing an action based pathway to support future sustainable fishing in the Shire.

If you are unable to attend the “Fish for the Future in Douglas Shire – Part 2” community workshop at the Port Douglas Community Hall, Phil Laycock is hosting another workshop at the Mossman Boat and Fishing Clubhouse on Wednesday 21 April 2021, 5:00pm -6:30pm)

The intention of the workshop is to develop a community-owned plan that reflects community values for sustainable fishing in our Shire, supports fishing associated business & tourism development, and a sustainable and healthy fishery for the future.  In order to do this we are seeking feedback and ideas from as many people as possible across our Shire.

If neither of these times or locations are convenient, Phil can be available to meet with you and hear your views and ideas. Please contact us at:

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