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Douglas Shire Council will apply for grant funding from the State Government to act on complaints about a non-contiguous flying fox roost in Port Douglas and develop a long-term flying fox management plan for the region.

Councillors today resolved to apply for funding through the Department of Environment and Science to alleviate concerns about spectacled flying foxes on the western side of Old Port Road.

If the funding application is unsuccessful, Council will grant permission to residents of the Lakes Estate to apply for a permit for flying fox management on the street.

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said addressing the complaints would protect the community and local flying fox populations.

“Spectacled flying-foxes play a vital role in our eco-system and are efficient pollinators and seed dispersers of native trees,” he said.

“I have spoken to many residents who are worried about living so close to flying foxes and asked Council to consider safely nudging them back into trees across the road.”

“I would like to see this issue addressed in a sensitive and safe manner under supervision from a trained ecologist and within the state government guidelines.”

A Douglas Shire Council Flying Fox Management plan will be developed to ensure the long-term safety of this protected species which meets the requirements, needs and desires of the community. Council will lodge an application and provide further updates when more details are available.

You can read more details here. 


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