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In accordance with the provisions of Section 86A and Section 86E of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, and with due regard to fire conditions and the weather forecasts issued by the  Bureau of Meteorology, a Local Fire Ban is hereby imposed as described below.

A prohibition on lighting fires in the open applies for the period 0001hrs on Tuesday 21 November 2023 to 2359hrs on Friday 24 November 2023 in the fire ban area(s) specified hereunder:

Within the whole of the Local Government Areas of:

Aurukun Shire Council 

Cairns Regional Council 

Cook Shire Council 

Douglas Shire Council 

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council 

Kowanyama Shire Aboriginal Shire Council 

Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council 

Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council 

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council 

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council 

Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council 

Torres Shire Council  

Torres Strait Regional Council 

Weipa Town Authority  

Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council 

Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council 

Cassowary Coast Regional Council 

Mareeba Shire Council 

Tablelands Regional Council 

Croydon Shire Council 

Etheridge Shire Council 

All current Permits to Light Fire issued for the local fire ban area are hereby cancelled subject to  the following exemptions.


  • Fires lit for the purpose of cooking, that are:
  1. within a properly constructed receptacle such as a barbeque, gas or wood fired and pizza oven, and
  2. where the fire cannot escape or cause embers to drift, and
  3. there must be a fire extinguishing device available (e.g. garden hose or fire extinguisher)  are permitted provided they are not left unattended.
  • Fires lit for the purpose of providing warmth that are:
  1. lit within a properly constructed receptacle, such as fire pits and braziers, and
  2. that are used in suburban back yard, and
  3. no larger than 1m x 1m x 0.5m, and
  4. there is a fire extinguishing device available (e.g. garden hose or fire extinguisher),


  1. the area is cleared of vegetation and embers cannot drift from the fire, and
  2. provided they are not left unattended.

These fires are permitted between 1800 hrs to 0600 hrs. (6pm to 6am). This exemption

does not include bon fires.

  1. Check with your Local Council By-laws
  • Fires lit for the purpose of disposal of animal carcasses are permitted, subject to the issue
    of a permit by the local Fire Warden.
  • Fires lit for commercial necessity are permitted subject to the issue of a permit to light fire
    by the Chief Fire Warden.
  • Fires lit in accordance with the provisions of Section 86A of the Fire and Emergency
    Services Act 1990, Part 6 Sections 53 Powers of authorised officer in dangerous situations and 55 Powers of authorised fire officer for preventative or Investigative purposes.
  • Burning can be undertaking in line with the Notification for Sugar Cane Burning between the hours of 1800 and 0500 (6pm to 5am).
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