Approval extended for residential estate expansion
A DEVELOPER wishing to expand a residential estate in Mossman has been granted an extension by Douglas Shire Council.
The land is located between Alchera and Coral Sea Drives, south of Johnston Road and is part of the Daintree Horizon residential estate.
In March 2017, Council approved a Negotiated Decision Notice for stages 4-7, expanding the development of the Daintree Horizon estate with a further 68 lots and park.
The development permit will expire in September 2027.
Please read the full agenda item here.
Building Douglas Committee Meeting to be considered
A PROPOSAL to establish a Council Meeting where members of the public can voice their opinions directly to elected members will be tabled at the September Ordinary Meeting.
Douglas Shire Council voted to direct the Chief Executive Officer to bring a report outlining what the proposed Building Douglas Committee Meetings are and how they would work.
The meetings will be designed to increase Councillors’ direct engagement with the public and improve transparency in decision making.
A report will be tabled at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 September 2021.
Capital Works continue to be delivered
ALMOST $30 million worth of capital works projects were completed in the 20120/21 financial year.
Douglas Shire Council noted the latest quarterly Capital Works Progress Report, which detailed the progress of 157 projects valued at $37.140m, including the 47 projects completed in the April to June 2021 quarter.
More details are available at the projects page here.
Council achievements recorded in latest CEO Report
A SUMMARY of Douglas Shire Council highlights has been recognised in the final CEO report for the 2020/21 financial year.
Councillors received and noted the report for the fourth quarter which contained details about key events such as Port Douglas Carnivale, National Reconciliation Week, Ironman, Anzac Day and the Oceania Cup Triathlon.
Other highlights include competing a rates model review, various community engagement exercises and the adoption of the Economic Development Strategy,
Please read the full CEO Report here.
Council supports Run4Reef
PORT Douglas Daintree will get international coverage when the inaugural Run4Reef Finale takes place is hosted in the resort town in May next year.
Douglas Shire Council voted to sponsor the event with $10,000 and in-kind support up to $5000.
Run4reef will be held simultaneously in 20 Australian and New Zealand cities with the expectation that each event will attract up to 6,000 participants.
Run4reef will showcase the Great Barrier Reef and Port Douglas across all cities.
Winners of the female and male 10km events will become Great Barrier Reef Ambassadors and win a trip to Port Douglas and a tour to the Great Barrier Reef.