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The Douglas Shire coastal zone encompasses world-class landscape features, including pristine rainforests and beaches.

Coastlines are dynamic, ever-changing with each tide and storm event.  Erosion and storm tide events are natural processes that shape the coast over long time frames.  However, these events become coastal hazards when they impact on our communities.

The purpose of the Resilient Coast program is to enable us to be better prepared to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, livability and services.

For further information visit the Resilient Coast project website:

View Strategy Here

Coastal Hazard Mapping

As part of the Resilient Coast program, the existing mapping for Erosion Prone Areas and predicted storm tide inundation zones have been updated for the full Douglas Shire coastline.  These updates have been based on the best available technical data.

Maps do not represent a predicted loss of coastal land.  The maps provide an indication of areas that may be exposed to erosion or inundation processes (now or in the future); and the impacts can be avoided, mitigated or managed through adaptation planning.