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Council is currently installing Smart Water Meters throughout the Douglas Shire as part of Stage-Two, Smart Water Meter Program. Each property in the Douglas Shire will eventually receive a Smart Water Meter. Smart Water Meters help Council understand where water is being used, enable Council to be more efficient as well as notify community members when they have a leak at their property.

If you have already had a Smart Water Meter installed on your property, you can now view your water consumption by signing up to the ‘MiWater’ platform. Signing up is simple, head to: All you need is the property address (you must be the owner) as well as the ‘Assessment Number’ which you will find on your Rates Notice or Water Bill.

Another great feature is that you can add multiple properties under a single MiWater account, provided you are the owner of those properties as well.

If you are part of a unit complex, the Body Corporate will need to sign up on behalf of the entire complex. Once there is an account created on behalf of the Body Corporate, each unit owner can sign up as a ‘Tenant’. Even though you may own the unit, the term MiWater uses is ‘Tenant’.

If you have not received your Smart Water Meter, you can still sign up for the MiWater platform, however, until your Smart Water Meter is installed, you will be unable to view the water usage for your property.


If you receive a ‘Leak Alert’ from Douglas Shire Council, look around your property for any leaking taps, toilets and/or other amenities. If you cannot find anything, please contact a licensed plumber. A plumber will have experience in identifying and fixing your leak.

Smart Water Meters can detect leaks of less than 1L/per hr. These leaks would have been undetectable in the past, until they were large enough to be noticed on your water bill.

Please note leaks on the residential side of the Smart Water Meter are the responsibility of the property owner, as well as the decision on whether to fix a leak.

For any further enquiries, please contact Douglas Shire Council.


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