A SPORTS Masterplan will open the door for future funding to improve sports grounds and facilities in Douglas Shire.
The Port Douglas Sports Complex and Coronation Park Master Plan was adopted by Douglas Shire Council this week after considerable feedback from local sporting club and the general public.
The document will help local sporting clubs, organisations and Council attract investment from State and Federal Governments, while making a play at the sports tourism market.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said each sports ground played an important role in the community.
“This master plan is a road map for upgrades and new facilities that have been carefully considered as part of a region-wide sport and recreation facility network,” he said.
“The passion of the Port Douglas and Mossman communities was highlighted during extensive consultation, and this passion will ensure that locals will feel engaged and invested in the future development of both sites.”
Numerous small-scale projects are also billeted for Coronation Park (Mossman Showgrounds), to ensure future site development is delivered in a consistent way that continues to provide for the site’s main activities.
A new field to support junior rugby league and hockey is featured in the field with more open, safer and welcoming spaces Lighting upgrades are also at both sites.
Council’s Sports and Recreation Officer Renee Ker said the masterplan would support growth in sport for the community.
“This is an incredibly positive vision for sports and active recreation which is evident throughout the masterplan,” she said.
“Facilities in the masterplan are featured through evidence-based need to maximise space for future development of sports and active recreation infrastructure.
“We now have a plan that ensures buildings at sports grounds can be upgraded in a methodical way that has community support.”