Two vital post-Tropical Cyclone Jasper recovery projects are due to begin next month after Douglas Shire Council this week awarded major contracts to FNQ companies.
These projects are jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and will lead to improved resilience, safety and when completed reduce traffic delays.
HEH Civil will be responsible for the rectification works at Noah Range for the removal of a large vegetation mass, boulders and loose debris. It remains on the slope above Cape Tribulation Road following a major landslip in December 2023. Repairs to the road will be undertaken as well.
Initial work will include installation of safety measures and construction of access.
Work will begin on Noah Range in October with critical milestones to be completed, weather permitting, by the end of the year, and further works following the wet season.
Colpo Constructions will be focusing on four landslip sites on Alexandra Range. The earthmoving company will be finalising design prior to mobilising to site.