Your first step should be to check in with your neighbours and try to assist them where you can. If you have already checked in with your neighbours and still wish to help with the disaster recovery, there are several organisations you may contact to offer further assistance.


  • GIVIT is a national not-for-profit organisation connecting those who have with those who need, in a private and safe way. GIVIT matches donation offers with identified requests from a storm, fire, flood or cyclone affected region, thereby eliminating the need for organisations to store and sort unexpected donations.


  • The Australian Red Cross is a leading humanitarian aid and community service organisation, which is committed to supporting and empowering people and communities in times of vulnerability.
  • Rural Fire Services Qld is a state-run volunteer organisation designed to help the Queensland community by undertaking fire prevention activities, responding to the outbreak of fires within the local community and assisting in times of disaster.
  • The State Emergency Services (SES) is a state-run volunteer organisation designed to help the Queensland community in times of emergencies and disasters. Residents who wish to join the local SES Unit should contact the SES Local Controller.