CALLING all Douglas residents in the events industry! Join us for the FREE Volunteer and Events Training at the Port Douglas Community Hall next week.
Douglas Shire Council has partnered with TAFE Queensland to host its Volunteers and Events Training program on Wednesday and Thursday. (January 27 to 28). The Volunteers and Events Training Program is part of the Queensland Government’s Tourism Recovery Package, providing free training in disaster-affected communities.

The four-hour program is designed to provide new and experienced volunteers with a large range of practical information and techniques that can be applied in a volunteering environment. Event specialist Rebecca Alferez, who has worked with renowned events such as Woodford Folk Festival and Winton Outback Festival, will deliver a program featuring practical information and techniques relevant to anyone working in events, tourism, and community services.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the program was a fantastic opportunity for local volunteers and those working in the events industry.
“This grass roots program will provide people with a raft of tools to help build resilience and understand the importance of leadership in volunteering and events,” he said.
“These are important skills now more than ever as we continue our recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Rebecca brings a wealth of experience and a unique understanding of the challenges faced by volunteers in regional locations.”
“Whilst it is volunteer-focused, I encourage you to register to come along if you work in any capacity in the events industry – this is a wonderful free learning opportunity.”
The four-hour session covers three modules: Orientation, Resilience and Leadership.
The Volunteer and Events Training Program is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)

Events and Volunteers Training Facilitator, Rebecca Alferez