Do you know which Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) services your household?
Mossman WWTP
Location: Junction Road, Mossman
Service Area: Mossman, Mossman Gorge community, parts of Cooya.
Capacity: 4529 people or 1.15 mega-litres (ML) / day
Treatment Standard: Secondary
Treatment Process: The liquid stream treatment is an Oxidation ditch with Clarifier . Effluent is Chlorinated and discharged to the Mossman River. Sludge is dewatered via sludge lagoon and belt filter press.
Recycled water initiatives: none
Port Douglas WWTP
Location: Port Road, Port
Service Area: Port Douglas, Craiglie.
Capacity: 20,000 people or 4.9 ML / day
Treatment Standard: Tertiary
Treatment Process: The Liquid Stream treatment is via a Sequencing Batch Reactor. Effluent is treated with UV and discharged to Dickson’s inlet or reused. Sludge is dewatered from an Aerobic digestion system using a Belt filter press.
Recycled water initiatives: Mirage and The Links Golf courses