THE next stages of a dedicated cycleway connecting the new Kubirri Aged Care Centre to the Mossman Gorge Centre is one of eight funding submissions to be put forward to the Federal Government stimulate construction activity in the region.
Douglas Shire Council will apply to the Federal Government’s Building Better Region Fund (BBRF) to complete the next stages of the Principal Cycle Network, which provides a vision for connecting the Mossman CBD to the popular tourist site via a shared pathway with streetlighting and drainage.
Principle Cycle Network – Mossman CBD to Mossman Gorge
STAGE 1 – Mossman CBD to Kubirri Aged Care Centre – COMPLETED
STAGE 2 – Kubirri Aged Care Centre to Good Shephard Retirement Village – TO DO
STAGE 3 – Good Shephard Retirement Village to Mossman Gorge Centre – TO DO
Council will also bid for funding under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program for projects such as access parking at the Bump Track – a popular mountain bike trail, beach access upgrades at Four Mile Beach, new shade sails at the Mossman Pool and upgrades to the Macrossan St-Owen St intersection in Port Douglas.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said successful funding submissions would help stimulate construction activity in the local community.
“Council has identified a collection of projects we believe can protect and create jobs in Douglas Shire as we sustain the impacts of COVID-19,” he said.
“With Jobkeeper scheduled to end, we need to be proactive and advocate for grant funding to keep money coming into Douglas Shire.
“Many of these projects also encourage more active recreation, improve road safety and increase accessibility.”
The full list of endorsed projects for funding applications is below:
Building Better Region Fund (BBRF):
- Mossman Shire Hall electrical, mechanical and building upgrades
- Marrs Creek Cycle & Pedestrian Bridge and shared path to Mossman Gorge Centr
- Cooya Beach Reservoir Connection

Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI):
- Macrossan and Owen Street Intersection Upgrade
- Beach Access upgrades to Four Mile Beach
- Mossman Pool Shade Sails
- Pop up Engagement container/trailer
- Bump Track Access parking
It comes as Councillors noted a progress report which detailed the completion of 41 projects, with $14.24 million spent or committed, in the current financial year.
In summary there is 155 projects to deliver worth a total of $36.643M with an expected $22.938M or 132 projects to be completed by 30 June 2021.

Mossman company awarded multi-million-dollar tender
A CONSTRUCTION tender for a new concrete roadway upgrade on the Bloomfield Track at Donovan Range, north of Cape Tribulation, was awarded to MC Group QLD Pty Ltd.
Douglas Shire Council resolved to award the $2.2 million contract to the Mossman-based company at today’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
The upgrades will increase resilience, accessibility for locals and travellers, and provide an economic benefit to local businesses during the construction period.
During peak tourism period, the Bloomfield Track (Cape Tribulation-Bloomfield Rd) is known have more than 250 vehicles per day. Council also expects the upgrades to reduce the need for yearly repairs during wet season.
The project is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
You can stay updated with the project here.