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Donovan Range, located on the Cape Tribulation-Bloomfield Road (Bloomfield Track),  is susceptible to damage during the wet season and requires continual maintenance.

Douglas Shire Council will complete minor earthworks, improvements to storm water drainage and conduct rigid pavement upgrades to improve the road.

The upgrades will increase resilience, accessibility for locals and travellers, and provide an economic benefit to local businesses during the construction period.  During peak tourism period, the track is known have more than 250 vehicles per day. Council also expects the upgrades to reduce the need for yearly repairs during wet season.

The 2019 Monsoon Trough caused rutting, loss of pavement surface, deep scouring of table drains and damage to two crossings in the area.

Funding was obtained through a 2019 Betterment Grant under the Category D provision of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. The funding has been approved for the design and construction of pavement upgrades to problematic sections of Donovan Range.

Cost of Project


Council has been offered a $3,738,257 contribution in total project costs under the 2019 Betterment Grant from the Category D provision, which is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Project Updates

November 2021

Work on Donovan Range has reached Practical Completion and the contractors is now completing minor defects.

October 2021

All concrete works will be completed by mid October. This leaves minor drainage, rock protection and signs to be done, so we are on track to complete the whole job by mid November.

September 2021

MC Group QLD Pty Ltd has completed 40% of the program, which includes one of the steepest sections of Donovan’s Range.

The upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

June, 2021

MC Group QLD Pty Ltd is now on site at the bottom of Donovan’s Range, on the southern side. Construction is expected to be completed by November 2021.  The Bloomfield Track will remain open throughout construction although at times one lane will be closed and traffic directed by a traffic controller.  Delays will be minimal. When manoeuvring equipment, there may be a 15 minute wait, but this is expected to be infrequent.   The construction crews and traffic controllers will be operating on UHF Channel 10.


The construction tender was awarded to MC Group QLD Pty Ltd.

Douglas Shire Council resolved to award the $2.2 million contract to the Mossman-based company at an Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 February 2021. View the Council meeting agenda here.


A construction tender was released late 2020 and the tender has now closed. Offers are currently being reviewed with the preferred consultant likely to be appointed in February 2021.


A construction tender to complete minor earthworks, improve storm water drainage and conduct rigid pavement upgrades to improve the section of the Bloomfield Track which traverses Donovan’s Range has been released.

Work will be scheduled outside the wet season – May 2021 through to October 2021. At times, work will require one lane to be closed, however Council has specified the Bloomfield Track must remain open at all times.


For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Gaye Scott on 4099 9414 or email

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