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Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services will be conducting hazard reduction burns near the CREB and Bloomfield tracks starting Monday June 5, and expected to take 2-3 days.

The controlled burns will consist of ground burning in different sections along the tracks as well as aerial ignition on the park via helicopter.

Council’s Natural Areas Team as well as Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Rangers will assist.

The burn, planned in collaboration with traditional owners, aims to restore ecosystem integrity to fire vegetative communities such as open forests of the foothills and ranges, lowland open forests and melaleuca forests.

The secondary goal of this fire is to begin bringing the area back to a state as it would have been while cultural burning was still commonplace on the landscape.

The CREB track is currently closed. The Bloomfield track will remain open and those travelling are reminded to drive to road conditions and take extra precaution if they drive through a smoke haze.


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