LOCAL sporting clubs have smashed an ace in the 2019-20 Annual Budget under a fresh focus on building up sports and recreation in Douglas Shire.
Plans to turn the Mossman pool into multi-purpose sporting precinct, tourist site and wellness centre star in an impressive line-up of projects and initiatives aimed at boosting lifestyle in Douglas Shire.
Users of the Port Douglas Sports Complex are also winners under a project to develop a master plan for the resort town’s premier sporting venue.

A masterplan for the Port Douglas Sports Complex will be developed.
It comes after Council recruited a new Sports and Recreational Officer who will work closely with local sporting clubs to help grow sports and recreation.
Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu said a five-year Sports and Recreational Strategy would pave the way for more thriving sporting community.
“We want to build capacity of sporting and recreation clubs and committee members,’ she said.
“We have so many fantastic clubs that play a vital role in bringing the community together.
“Council will be working closer than ever with our local clubs to increase participation and the well-being of our residents.”
Council will also develop a Mossman Showgrounds Masterplan and install a replacement fence at the Port Douglas tennis club.
A popular footpath used by pedestrians and cyclists on Davidson St will be renewed from Wharf St to the Sheraton Mirage roundabout.
Sports, recreation and lifestyle projects
$500,000 – Davidson St cycle and footpath
$500,000 – Playground renewal program
$400,000 – Mossman Riverside Leisure Centre design
$145,000 – New dog park in Port Douglas
$100,000 – Water park options report
$50,000 – Port Douglas Sports Complex Masterplan
$50,000 – Mossman Showgrounds Masterplan
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