Under the Queensland Disaster Management Act 2003, the Douglas Shire Council is required to establish and maintain a Local Disaster Management Group, which is responsible for managing disaster events within the local government area. This page features details of the Douglas Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) and the various Working Groups, which support it.
The Douglas LDMG is a multi-agency group established by council, which works to protect the community from the effects of disaster events in the local area. The Douglas LDMG, chaired by the Mayor of Douglas, meets regularly throughout the year and as required for disaster activations. The group includes the following agencies as Core Members:
- Douglas Shire Council
- Ergon Energy
- Queensland Ambulance Service
- Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
- Queensland Police Service
- State Emergency Service
- Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
- Mossman Hospital and Health Service
- Red Cross
- Other agencies and authorities as required (as Advisors).
The Douglas LDMG is the lead authority in preparing for and responding to natural disasters and makes critical decisions including whether to activate cyclone shelters, issue evacuation orders and open the Local Disaster Coordination Centre and reports to the State Government when a natural disaster has been declared.
Disaster management planning for Douglas Shire Council is not solely the responsibility of Council, it is a joint responsibility held by all member agencies of the Douglas LDMG, and each member agency has a vital role to play in the provision of an appropriate operational response to any event affecting the community.
The Douglas LDMG and relevant emergency services will do all they can to assist the community in times of disaster, it should be remembered that individuals are ultimately responsible for their own safety. Individuals need to be aware of the hazards that could affect their community and disaster management arrangements, which includes the Local Disaster Management Plan, that are in place to deal with them.
When a disaster occurs, the group is responsible for coordinating efforts and resources at the local level, as it is closest to the community and has a detailed knowledge of its environment. When the Douglas LDMG exceeds its capacity to respond at a local level, or expends its resources, the group will seek assistance and support from higher levels of government.