Located near Degarra and Wujal Wujal, Zig Zag Road is a dirt road with unsealed culvert crossings. The track is subject to flooding during wet weather and requires continual maintenance.
Douglas Shire Council will undertake minor earthworks, crossroad storm water drainage, table drainage design and rigid pavement design to improve motorist safety on the track.
The improvements will reduce damage to the road during periods of heavy rainfall and enable the road to re-open after floodwaters have subsided.
The 2019 Monsoon Trough event caused rutting, loss of pavement, deep scouring and damage to several causeways restricting access to Douglas Shire and Wujal Wujal residents.
Cost of Project
Council has been offered a $3,197,979 contribution in total project costs under the 2019 Betterment Grant from the Category D provision, which is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Project Updates
Douglas Shire Council will be concreting a narrow section of the Bloomfield Track which will require a temporary closure between Luana Creek through to the Zig Zag Road turn-off. The closure will commence Wednesday 19 January and weather permitting, will reopen Monday 31 January 2022. Read more here.
There are nine locations where pavement is being installed along the Zig Zag to make it safer for travellers. Pavement has been completed on the first five sites which are before Roaring Meg. Sites 6, 7, 8 and 9 are after Roaring Meg.
Contractor has commenced earthworks, and will be mobilising the concreting crew in the coming weeks. The approach is to start at the top end of the Zig Zag and work our way down.
Construction has commenced and the road will be closed to all traffic from 12 August through to 20 December 2021. Access for Traditional Owners and locals can be arranged with notice.
JUNE 2021
The tender has been awarded to Geo Construct Pty Ltd. A Welcome to Country was done by Traditional Owners, Francis and Kathleen Walker 10 June 2021. Contractors will be on site preparing for works from June, with construction set to commence in July. The road may be closed at certain times to visitor traffic, as it is narrow in parts, however access for Traditional Owners and landowners can be arranged with notice.
MAY 2021
A tender for a new concrete roadway and culvert upgrade at Zig Zag Rd and Cape Tribulation-Bloomfield Rd has been awarded to Geo Construct Pty Ltd.
APRIL 2021
The design has been completed and tender documents have been released and will close in May.
Design is underway.
Douglas Shire Council has been successful in securing $10.3 million under the 2019 Betterment program for improvement works on the Bloomfield Track and Zig Zag Road. The 2019 Betterment program is a joint Australian Government and Queensland Government fund to build back better, more resilient essential public infrastructure damaged by monsoons in early 2019.
Roads will remain open throughout construction, however there will be times when one lane is closed and traffic control will be in place.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Council on 4099 9444 or enquiries@douglas.qld.gov.au