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Splash Park spend

A giant jelly fish, crabs, fish blasters and water wheel are amongst the items on a Splash Park shopping list.

The Jalunbu Park project in Port Douglas isn’t due for completion until mid-2025 but in readiness Council is about to order $588,631 worth of equipment. Suppliers says manufacture and delivery can take up to 22 weeks.

The equipment will be purchased through the local buy procurement process from Atlantis Liquid Dynamics.

Council’s complete shopping list features in agenda item 6.11 of the August 27 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The project is jointly funded – the Queensland Government has offered Council $1.5 million to build splash parks in Mossman and Port Douglas.

Gran Fondo support steps up a gear

Council has extended its support of the Gran Fondo for three more years.

The new $75,000 per annum agreement is from 2025-2027 road cycling tour company Connect Sport Australia.

The Grand Fondo is a three-day multi-event cycling event held annually in September that appeals to cyclists of all levels and experiences.

It plays a pivotal role in amplifying Douglas Shire’s profile and increasing overnight visitor expenditure. The combined economic of the 2022/2023 events is more than $2.8 million and visitor numbers exceeding 4000.

Regional planning opportunity to explore sustainable tourism and development

A Regional Precinct Plan – that identifies building, tourism, training, and employment opportunities – is in Council’s sights.

It will be applying for a Federal Government grant to create The Daintree/Wet Tropics Regional Precinct Plan.

With partnerships at the heart of it, hearing local voices to improve land use while driving new tourism experiences from Mossman [Mossman Botanic Garden] to Daintree Village and areas around the ferry.

If successful, the funding will be made available through The Regional Precinct and Partnership Program, Stream one; Precinct development and planning.

Reef Guardian Action Plan endorsed

Council’s Action Plan (2024-2028) details the environmental initiatives Council be undertaking, which directly benefit and protect the Great Barrier Reef.

Some of the initiatives include:

  • Installation of solar on Council building and facilities
  • Feral Pig Control Program
  • Erosion Sediment Control and Stormwater Education and Compliance Program
  • Promotion of responsible boating and fishing practices
  • Develop and implement a Reconciliation Action Plan

Bigger is not always better – sweeping upgrade for DSC

Council is planning to a buy a new street sweeper for more than 200 thousand dollars.

It will assist Council to improve the efficiency and productivity of street sweeping activities around the CBD of Port Douglas and Mossman. Our current Hino Street sweeper truck has limitations around the smaller streets, footpaths, parks, and public areas.

It’s hoped the 1650 City Master will be a more effective cleaner and reduce the use of leaf blowers in busy areas.

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