Scrap Shack is Council’s ‘give-back’ shop located at Killaloe Transfer Station. The aim of Scrap Shack is to repurpose unwanted goods which are in good condition, diverting them away from landfill. It is not the intention for goods to be resold.
Opening Hours
10am – 4pm Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday* subject to change
Where to find us
Scrap Shack is located at Killaloe Transfer Station – Dump Road Killaloe
Drop Offs
Items should be dropped off at the top of the disposal bays, next to the oil shed
Pick Ups
Items in Scrap Shack are currently free. All items are taken in ‘as is’ condition
Welcome to Scrap Shack!
Items are available for people to take for personal use only, not for resale.
Whilst all items are currently free, it is intended that Scrap Shack will eventually be procured out to a third-party organisation. The operator will be required to price items to ensure the operation is financially sustainable, but also record items and volumes so Council can track landfill diversion rates.
What you need to know:
Items for Scrap Shack must be in good condition.
Items dropped off will be assessed by Transfer Station staff and customers will be charged for items that are not accepted.
Drop offs can be accepted at any time during Killaloe Transfer Station’s opening hours.
Pick ups are only available during Scrap Shack opening hours.
All items are taken in ‘as is’ condition. Electrical items have not been tested and cannot be tested by customers before leaving the site.