Sustainability for Businesses

Book your Free waste management assessment
Free advice and services for businesses

Free Services for local businesses 

There are a number of organisations that offer free support and advice to help local businesses improve their efforts in sustainability.

Council offers a free waste management assessment for all businesses in Douglas Shire! This service involves a review of waste disposal activities to ensure properties are fully utilising waste-related entitlements.

Recommendations on how to reduce waste production and maximise recycling can result in a reduction in waste collection costs and more sustainable outcomes.

Plastic Free Douglas Program!
Through the program businesses are eligible to receive free advice on how to reduce the use of single-use plastics in their daily operations.  Participation can reduce costs and can result in free advertising of your business for your efforts. Join the likes of N17 Burger Co., Nectar Port Douglas, Daintree Siesta, and Kai Port Douglas and reach out to Monica for a free consultation about your business can reduce plastic, introduce reusables and save money!


The free ecoBiz service is a great way for businesses to start their sustainability journey!  The program provides businesses with free advice, training and workshops on ways to improve environmental sustainability and lower operating costs.  The ecoBiz sustainability coach for FNQ, Fiona Sleight, is available for free 1-on-1 coaching – Fiona has helped many businesses across Douglas save on their energy, water and waste costs.

Ecotourism Australia – Certification and Scorecard programs

Douglas Shire was the first eco certified destination in Australia with Ecotourism Australia.  With over 23 local operators certified with Ecotourism Australia we are leading the way in nature -based sustainable tourism.

Ecotourism Australia (EA) is recognised as the national peak body for sustainable and nature-based tourism.  EA is a not for profit organisation focused on inspiring environmentally sustainable and culturally responsible tourism.  Ecotourism Australia designs and delivers certification programs for tourism destinations and products endorsed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

Certification Programs

Ecotourism’s certification programs are designed for all businesses and operators in the tourism supply chain that want to be recognised for their commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism.

Ecotourism Australia’s certification programs assure travellers that certified products and businesses are backed by a strong, well-managed commitment to sustainable practices. Tourism businesses and experiences are certified using international best practice standards.

Discover more about certification here!

Strive For Sustainability Scorecard 

The Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard is a pathway program for any tourism business to start their sustainability journey. Tourism Australia is the founding partner of the Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard.  The scorecard measures where a business or tourism operator is at on their sustainability journey at a point in time.

Discover more about the Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard here!