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The Douglas Hockey Association and the DIRT Mountain Bike Club are joining forces for a family beach weekend on Port Douglas’s Four Mile Beach over the weekend of September 12th and 13th.  A round robin beach hockey tournament will be played for juniors on the Saturday and adults on the Sunday, this is going to be the start of a new regular event in the local calendar. Beach Hockey is played in teams of 5 (incl. goalie) on sand, at the beach, in a great atmosphere, with sunshine, music and the ocean in the background. Even though Australia has the most beautiful and largest beaches, Beach Hockey has never been played before and as a club we would like to invite teams form all over Australia to visit our beautiful town of Port Douglas and enjoy the fun and before and the majority of Australian Hockey players have never even heard of it. The main objective of our tournament is to bring families, friends and our team buddies together, who enjoy exercising at the beach, in a team and who love having a great time with great people.


Call Angie for more information 0405 551 119 or go to

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