Council crews have been busy with a variety works across the Douglas Shire. Here are a few highlights below:
- Slashing in the Mowbray area heading north.
- Trimming trees in the Mowbray, Whyanbeel & Miallo working north in preparation for the sugar cane crushing season.
- Routine maintenance at Diwan
- Grading roads around the Cape Tribulation, and then moving to trim trees.
Water projects
- Water reticulation works will occur for the next three weeks to repair a leaking water main located before Carson’s Creek to Newell Beach turnoff and Mossman-Daintree Road.
Port Douglas
Warner St Upgrade Project:
- New concrete footpath on Warner Street – 84 metres completed (see photo above).
Macrossan Street Garden Bed Refurbishment
- Works started with the removal of two existing centre median stone pitch garden beds in Macrossan Street. By Wednesday, the new garden edging and irrigation was installed and the new plantings dug in.
- Crews will start work onon the two remaining more sizable garden beds adjacent the Court House Hotel and the Port Village Shopping Centre next week.
- During the week scaffolding and barrier fencing was installed around the State Heritage Listed FDA Carstens Memorial while conservation works were undertaken to remove heavy organic staining and repairs.
Public spaces:
- Regular grounds maintenance, amenities maintenance and street cleaning activities.
- Continue with snipping, hand weeding and spraying as per the Glyphosate Reduction Strategy.
- Pressure clean Macrossan Street kerb and channel weekly to remove bird faeces.
- Pressure cleaning of slabs, tables, and benches in Market Park and Rex Smeal Park in readiness for the Port Douglas Markets.
- Daily cleaning of drink fountains to assist reduce COVID-19 exposure risk.
- Contractor to repair concrete path to and slab under shelter in Hutchings Park.
- Feral pig activity is increasing due to the changing weather season and food supply with 37 feral pigs destroyed in the past two weeks.
- The Mossman Nursery is busy preparing native tree species for the numerous revegetation projects scheduled throughout the Shire.
- More than 330 native tree are to be planted on the South Mossman River as part of Terrains $4.9 million disaster recovery package for river systems north of Cairns.
- Finished Siam surveys for the year and have now turned their focus to the Hiptage Eradication Program.
- Starting the annual Miconia surveys helping DAF, Biosecurity Queensland and QPWS in the Whyanbeel Valley to eradicate this invasive weed from the Douglas Shire. A Kuku Yalanji smoking ceremony was conducted on site before starting their yearly surveys. (see below)