Please use the quick links below to assist and support you and your business.

Douglas Chamber of CommerceDouglas Chamber of Commerce

The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce was incorporated in 2004/5 and consists of a Committee of 8 local representatives from a cross section of business interests and values. The Chamber was established to create a concentrated outlet and approach for individual businesses to consult when faced with matters of opportunity, concern and importance. The Committee convenes monthly to discuss matters raised by its members or external influences that are relevant to the Douglas business communities.

Advance Cairns

Advance Cairns is the peak regional advocacy and economic development organisation for Tropical North Queensland.

Australian Business Register

Apply online for an ABN, update your existing details or search the public ABN register. You can also apply for a Tax File Number, and register for GST and PAYG.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian statistical information and Douglas Shire Statistics

Australian Industries Group The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) is a leading industry association in Australia.

Australian Taxation Office The Australian Taxation Office is the Government’s principal revenue collection agency.

Canegrowers Australia
Canegrowers Australia represents around 80% of Australia’s sugarcane growers. CANEGROWERS is a highly successful lobby, representation and services group, with 19 offices across Queensland and New South Wales.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry

Business and trade, their aim is to grow agriculture as one of the four pillars of the Queensland economy.

Growcom is an independent commercially focussed not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of relevant services to help members, clients and partners achieve greater success in the Queensland horticulture industry.  Growcom is widely considered the “voice” of horticulture on issues common to all commodities and works to engender support for the horticulture industry in the community.

Office of Economic & Statistical Research Office of Economic & Statistical Research provides a wide range of demographic, economic and social data relating to the state of Queensland, as well as information about using statistics.

Regional Development Australia – Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a partnership between the Australian, state and territory and local governments to support the growth and development of Australia’s regions.

Taste Paradise – Tropical North Queensland

Taste Paradise promotes Tropical North Queensland regional food. A not-for-profit, vounteer organisation run by the people who produce the food – they are the farmers, the value-adders, the chefs and the businesses that care passionately about bringing to you the abundant, unique and delicious produce from the north tropical region of Australia. The Taste Paradise logo, a plate filled with tropical bounty, easily identifies produce and value-added goods from the region to locals and tourists to connect you with a genuine Tropical North Queensland food experience.

Taste Paradise Logo

Look for the logo! It’s our local food brand.