LOCAL business heroes feature in a new video to promote the Plastic Free Places program across Douglas Shire.
Grant St Kitchen, N17 Burger Co and Captain & Co Espresso have combined to represent the raft of businesses who have already joined the Plastic Free Cairns & Douglas program.
Politely refusing single use items we don’t need and choosing to reuse are key messages in the video that aims to inspire businesses and customers to get onboard with the plastic free movement and take a proactive approach to being free of single use plastics.
Douglas Shire Council joined forces with Plastic Free Cairns as of July 1 to become one of five communities across Queensland taking the lead to phase out single-use plastics.
The voice of the video and co-ordinator of the Plastic Free Douglas program is Mossman local, Helen Reilly.
“We were already targeting the six categories of the most problematic single use plastics found in takeaway nationally through our program. Now the QLD plastic ban is in place for plastic straws, cutlery, stirrers, plates and bowls and polystyrene foam cups and containers.” she said.
“With additional items of single use plastic proposed to be banned, such as plastic coffee cups and lids, plastic cups and lids, heavier weight plastic bags and other takeaway containers, it makes sense that Douglas is leading the way when it comes to stopping plastics from entering the Great Barrier Reef.”
Over 40 businesses across Mossman, Port Douglas and Daintree, including market stall vendors have signed up for free support since July 1 to receive advice on how businesses can make the transition to reusable and sustainable alternatives and enjoy cost savings in the process.
The program is presented by Boomerang Alliance, the founders of Plastic Free Places, and the peak not-for-profit organisation working toward a zero-waste society in Australia and supported by Douglas Shire Council.
“The program is designed to help transition communities away from problematic single use plastics, including plastics beyond the ban,” Helen said.
If you run a hospitality business or food/drink market stall in Douglas don’t miss the opportunity to have a free consultation and learn how to become a Plastic Free Champion.
Book Now before 30 December 2021 at: www.plasticfreecairns.org/douglas
The Plastic Free Cairns program is funded by the Queensland Government, with additional funding extended to the Douglas Shire from the Commonwealth through the national Plastic Free Beaches program.
Read more about the program here.