A TENDER to finish a shared pathway between the Mossman CBD and Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre has been awarded to a FNQ local company.
Douglas Shire Council today resolved to award the $1.6 million dollar contract to King Concreting Pty Ltd.
Construction on the project, which includes installation of a pedestrian bridge, pile driving, drainage improvements and pedestrian crossovers, will start in May 2023.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said shared pathway connecting the town and Mossman Gorge was a priority route.
“The pathway will allow children to safely ride their bikes to school. It’s a total distance of 3.6 kilometres and approximately a 10-minute ride,” he said.
“The pathway will have solar powered, recessed lighting to make it safer for people to walk at night, given there’s no streetlights once you are outside the urban area.
“The Far North Queensland Principal Cycle Network plan provides an exciting pipeline of cycleway investment for Douglas.”
The 2km shared pathway will connect Kubirri Aged Care Centre to the Mossman Gorge, marking the final leg of the 3.6km pathway from the intersection of Captain Cook Highway and Johnston Road.
A key priority is to connect Mossman township to Mossman Gorge Centre via a shared pathway for pedestrians, cyclists and those using mobility scooters.
Council has been planning and building cycleways to connect communities to the Mossman CBD.
- Council is working on the design for a pathway from Mossman Golf Club through to the Newell Beach esplanade and the next step will be to source funding for the construction phase.
- The cycleway from Mossman to Cooya Beach turn off has been completed. Planning is underway to extend the cycleway down Melaleuca Drive to the beach.