A DEDICATED team of Douglas Shire Council staff have been recognised for a combined 205 years of service to the community.
Douglas Shire Mayor congratulated the 13 Council Officers who received recognition awards at the Ordinary Council Meeting today, acknowledging their hard work in the past 10 to 25 years.
“These valued staff members have experienced so much in their careers, many enduring first amalgamation and then all experiencing de-amalgamation and their knowledge and expertise has been invaluable,” Mayor Kerr said.
“On behalf of Council, I would like to sincerely thank them for all of their hard work and commitment over many years and express our gratitude for their valued input to all facets of Council activities.”
The recognised Council staff are:
10 years:
- Lisa Golding
- John Petherbridge
15 years:
- Krista Kenna
- Rebecca Phillips
- Tim O’Brien
- Jacqueline Soltys
- Denice Assman
- Brett Kilpatrick
- Jason Sorensen
- Peter White
- Gaberiall Roberts
25 years:
- David Seare
- Thomas Donnelly