Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 254C of the Local Government Regulation 2012, a Special Meeting will be held on Tuesday 8 June 2021 commencing at 10am at the Council Chambers, 64-66 Front Street, Mossman.
Business to be conducted at the Special Council Meeting will be:
- Daintree Ferry Revenue General Policy
- Daintree Ferry Fees and Charges 2021-2022
- Operational Plan 2021-2022
- Operational Plan 2021-2022 Initiative – Port Douglas Aquatic Precinct
- Operational Plan 2021-2022 Initiative – Continue to Investigate Opportunities in RV Strategy
Public attendance at Council Meetings is now permitted. Attendance of members of the public is limited to 10 people because of health and safety reasons associated with the public health emergency involving COVID-19.
The Council Meeting will be streamed live, recorded and published on Council’s website for viewing by the public.
For more information, please call 07 4099 9444 or