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After consultation with the community, Jalunbu Park has been identified as the location for a splash park. The site is on Council reserve and contains public toilet amenities. It is located behind the Surf Lifesaving Club, on undulating land with well-established vegetation in parts. It has glimpses of the ocean.

The Splash Park will be bespoke, with a rainforest meets the reef nature theme.  It will contain:

  • A water play area with various nozzles and features that can shower, spray, rain, mist, dump or shoot steams of water to create an exciting place for people of all ages to play.
  • Zero depth – no standing water to eliminate requirement for lifeguards
  • No fencing required – as the facility does not require pool regulation compliance
  • Custom-designed—unique to Port Douglas


For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Council on 07 4099 9444 or email

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