A COMMUNITY survey that explores the possibility of re-designing Macrossan Street and improving the popular main drag has been released by Douglas Shire Council.
Council wants to gauge whether the public still has an appetite for revitalisation, which could include ideas such as changing car parking, wider footpaths and a “green spine” of large tropical trees.
“We want to hear from everyone,” Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu said.
“Council is setting the scene for a vibrant and prosperous Port Douglas and everyone has a chance to really shape this long-term vision.”
A family walks across Macrossan St
Small business operators for example, rely on busy foot traffic and this is a fantastic opportunity for them to have a voice.
“There are some great ideas out there such as more public art, improved footpaths and better street lighting,” she said.
“Council wants the people who live and breathe the street every day, to give us a clear direction on the street’s future.”
“This includes the visitors returning each year, and the many residents also regularly drop into town to meet people for coffee to complete weekly tasks.”
Button TextWhen the Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan and the associated Landscape Design Guide were done by the previous Council many years ago, one of the key themes to emerge from the community consultation was that Macrossan Street needed to be revitalised.
The survey closes on September 30, 2018.
The results of the survey will be published on Council’s website.
Council staff will be at Port Douglas Markets on Sunday, September 9 and Mossman Markets on Saturday, September 15.
The questionnaire can be done online, or a hard copy form can be completed and dropped into:
– Port Douglas Hub, Mowbray Street
– Council’s Administration Office 64-66 Front Street
– Mossman Library
– Scanned and emailed to enquiries@douglas.qld.gov.au
– Posted to Douglas Shire Council, PO Box