My Water Bill

Understanding your water bill

How much you pay and what you pay for.

Pay Your Current Water Bill

You can pay online or use one of our other payment methods.

My Water Bill Seems High

If your water bill shows that you’re using more water than normal, you may have a water leak

Smart Water Meter Customer Portal

Sign up or login to MiWater to track your water consumption

You will receive three water bills each year. Your bill will be sent shortly after we read your water meter.

Water bills cover the costs of your water consumption and water access charges.

Pay Your Water Bill

You have up to 35 days from the date of your notice to pay your water bill. You can pay online or use one of our other payment methods.

If you have trouble paying your water bill, you may be eligible for further support. Please speak to one of our friendly staff at 4099 9444 or email 

Your Water Bill Explained

We deliver safe and reliable drinking water services to residents, businesses, visitors and public spaces in Douglas Shire

The price paid for water used at your property is reflected on your water bill, together with the price set by Council to have the water delivered to your property.

The water bills for residential customers include the following charges:

Water Access Charge (residential)


Water Access Charge

The water access charge is a fixed amount that pays for your property to access water, whether or not any water is used – this charge covers the cost of our water supply infrastructure.

Water Usage Charge (residential)


Water Usage Charge

The water usage charge varies depending on how much water you use in kilolitres, as measured by your water meter.

Your water usage charge is measured by your water meter. We will visit your property to read your water meter every four months. If we are unable to access your water meter, we will estimate your usage (and note this on your water bill).

Other Customers: 


Water Access Charge:     $403.62

  • For each vacant allotment, each shop, each office, each school, each hotel, each motel, each club, each hospital and each other commercial/industrial improvement not otherwise specified.
  • In respect of hotels and motels, one additional access charge shall apply for every three rooms or part thereof, provided for accommodation.
  • In respect of caravan parks, one additional access charge shall apply for every three accommodation units and every six tent/van sites or part thereof.
  • For each residence, each flat, each strata title unit co-existing with commercial/industrial improvements.

Water Usage Charge: $1.92 per kilolitre

  • Where water is supplied through a water meter, which is not a trial water meter, all water consumed will be charged at the above rate for all water passing through the meter within the water year

Rural Productive

Water Access Charge: $403.62

  • For each barrack, each residence, each flat, each strata title unit.
  • For each vacant allotment with a water meter connected.
  • For each rural productive improvement with a water meter connected.

Water Usage Charge: $1.79 per kilolitre

  • In respect of all properties and/or premises at which a water meter is installed on the water service connection to such property and/or premises, water usage shall be charged at the above rate for all water passing through the water meter within the water year.

Untreated Water Scheme - Residential

Water Access Charge:     $403.62

  • For each barrack, each residence, each flat, each strata title unit.
  • For each vacant allotment with a water meter connected.
  • For each rural productive improvement with a water meter connected.

Water Usage Charge: $1.45 per kilolitre

  • In respect of all properties and/or premises at which a water meter is installed on the water service connection to such property and/or premises, water usage shall be charged at the above rate for all water passing through the water meter within the water year.

Untreated Water Scheme - Commercial

Water Access Charge:     $403.62

  • For each commercial/industrial improvement

Water Usage Charge: $1.54 per kilolitre

  •  In respect of all properties and/or premises at which a water meter is installed on the water service connection to such property and/or premises, water usage shall be charged at the above rate for all water passing through the water meter within the water year.

Read a Full Breakdown of Utility Charges Here

If your water use seems high

If your water bill shows that you’re using more water than normal, you may have a water leak. Not all water leaks are visible. For more information about how to check for a water leak, please visit Water leaks.

Sometimes your water bill may be high even though you don’t have a water leak. If you fill your swimming pool or water the garden more than usual, this will show as higher water usage on your water bill.

Did you know? Running the average garden hose (or household tap) uses about 25 litres per minute. Running your hose (tap) for one hour could use around 1500 litres. This would equate to an additional $6.16 per use on your bill (figures are a guide only).

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