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Increased heavy vehicle movements

Trucks hauling sugar cane from Mossman to the Mulgrave Mill in Gordonvale will be travelling on the Captain Cook Highway, Cairns Western Arterial Road, Mulgrave Road, and the Bruce Highway from July to December 2024.

TMR is working with key stakeholders and industry to miniSafety is our first priority, and we encourage road users to be aware of the following during the cane haulage season:

School zones:

Pedestrians and other road-users are asked to consider their safety and stay aware of traffic conditions particularly during pick-up and drop off times.

Road work sites:

There are several single lane sections on the Captain Cook Highway between Buchans Point and Turtle Cove. Road users may encounter queues of traffic stopped at these locations.

If you see hazard lights ahead of you at roadworks, that is a signal that you need to slow down and prepare to stop.

The increased level of traffic is anticipated to be temporary and will cease with the end of the cane crushing season.

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