Please be aware these schedules could change suddenly depending on weather and road conditions. The safety of travellers and work crews is always the priority.
Daintree Ferry
Normal Operating hours are in place. The ferry operates from 5am to midnight daily.
Who can travel?
- Vehicles under 12.5 metres in length and less than 25 tonnes.
- Vehicles towing caravans, trailers or campervans measuring 5 metres or less and less than 25 tonnes.
There is single lane traffic across the range. Once you start driving over the Alexandra Range please do not stop.
Stopping endangers lives and extends the waiting time for other travellers.
Noah’s Range will be reopened to Cape Tribulation residents, service providers and emergency services (all vehicles) at 4:30am from Tuesday 5 March.
The daily road opening hours will be: 4:30am to 7:30am and 4:30pm to 7:30pm.
Just a reminder, of the meetings planned for Friday 8 March 2024
Cape Tribulation Meeting – Cape Trib Camping
- Business update: 8am – 10am
- Community update: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Cow Bay/Diwan/Thorntons Meeting – Daintree Discovery Centre
- Community and Business Update: 2:30pm to 4:30pm