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The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will begin construction of the Newell Beach Boat Ramp after the 2020 wet season, weather permitting.

The proposed works include the construction of a causeway across the existing ramp and installation of a new all tide boat ramp and access walkway into the Mossman River main channel. It is expected to reduce tidal influences and provide a safer all-tide facility.

Douglas Shire Council this week resolved to provide in-principle support for the proposed upgrade and provide written owners consent to the Queensland Government.

The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program includes $3.2 million to upgrade boating infrastructure at Newell Beach, under the Marine Infrastructure Fund.

Design work is underway and a development application will be lodged very soon.

The new two-lane boat ramp and floating walkway will access naturally deep water, avoiding the need and associated impacts of ongoing dredging.

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