IMPROVED bike lanes and renewable energy trials on Douglas Shire Council land will be targeted under newly adopted Cities Power Partnership (CPP) pledges.
Douglas Shire Council, who is a founding member of the Climate Council’s CPP, endorsed the five pledges at yesterday’s Ordinary Council Meeting in a bid to further promote the transition to clean energy.
Mayor Julia Leu said the Shire was rich with opportunity to save money and power.
“Switching to cleaner energy and building more resilient communities is important for Douglas Shire’s economic sustainability, particularly given tourism is our economic power house,” she said. “Improving bike lanes will encourage more people to cycle around our beautiful shire and hopefully drive a culture of sustainable transport.”
Solar panels installed at the Mossman Administration Building produced almost 40 MWh last year, saving money and reducing Council’s carbon footprint.
Council will report its progress to the CPP every six months.
“Douglas Shire Council is fiercely committed to driving the mitigation of climate change, particularly around maintaining carbon sinks and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” she said.
Douglas Shire Council was one of 35 councils in Australia that is a founding member of the CPP program in June last year.
The five pledges endorsed by Council are:
1) Utilise renewable energy at appropriate Council buildings.
2) Investigate and trial renewable energy opportunities at Council’s transfer stations and landfill.
3) Utilise energy efficient public lighting in appropriate locations.
4) Create a revolving green energy fund to finance energy efficiency projects and receive savings.
5) Improve cycle lanes and cyclist provisions in appropriate locations