Poletti Bridge is single lane timber bridge over Saltwater Creek on Poletti Road which provides connection for several sugar cane farms and rural residential allotments.
The bridge has a load limit of 10 tonne and a recent level two bridge inspection identified the structure to be in poor condition.
Council Officers have observed large amounts of debris occur during flooding events and maintenance is required for the removal of debris.
Cost of Project
Douglas Shire Council applied for and was successful in securing Federal funding through the Bridge Renewal Program to replace the bridge.
The total project costs for the bridge replacement is budgeted at $950,000.
Project Updates
Gravel bypass road has been removed. Project is now complete.
Construction of the replacement bridge has been completed and the new bridge has been reopened to traffic. Contractor to commence demobilisation of gravel bypass track.
Council awarded the contract to Civform and construction started in early September.
The existing bridge was removed and replaced with a single lane bridge consisting of a concrete girder deck superstructure supported on concrete abutments.
A gravel bypass track with pipe culverts was created to provide access for the public as well as construction vehicles during construction.

Additional Information
All trees in proximity to the proposed works were assessed for current and projected maintenance requirements. As a result of this initial inspection, several mature rainforest trees will require remedial work, including:
- Trees to be pruned for bridge clearances in order to safely ensure their retention and continued form/structural integrity alongside proposed construction works.
- Some additional pruning may be required so that the current high level of amenity is maintained post-construction. Council Arborists will ensure that final aesthetics are considered at all stages throughout works.
- Removal of significant deadwood over the bridge and creek (as appropriate).
- Follow up assessment to be completed six months post completion of all works in order to ensure that the identified trees continue to be of good form and free from structural defects (as per standard Arboriculture inspection recommendations).
In addition to the above remedial works, the large Black Wattle tree was identified as being unsuitable for longer term retention, with a safe useful life expectancy of less than five years.
The tree is currently in a state of decline, with significant heavy deadwood overhanging the bridge, and further lateral limbs showing signs of advanced structural stress and/or previous limb failure. It is also heavily impacting upon a mature Quandong tree which is to be retained.
The Black Wattle will be removed in order to prevent any future damage to either the bridge or the Quandong.
17 Jan, 2020 – Reinstatement of Local Services onto Bridge
24 Jan, 2020 – Removal of Temporary Bypass
24 Jan, 2020 – Contractor Demobilise from Site
31 Jan 2020 – Renewal of Road Signage along Poletti Road including guide posts performed by Council’s Civil Assets Teams
31 Jan, 2020 – Local re-vegetation at site by Council’s Open Spaces team
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Gaye Scott on 0418 793 009 or gaye.scott@douglas.qld.gov.au