Stage 1 – Prepare the Fit-Out Application
Complete the Fit-Out Application form EHF1. When constructing a new food premises, you must ensure that the design meets the requirements of the Food Safety Standards. Food safety begins at the earliest planning stages which is why it is important to get it right from the start.
EHF1 - Application -Fit-Out Application To Construct Or Refit A Food Premises Fillable E 24-25 (305.2 KiB)
Council will assess your kitchen fit-out design and provide you with advice on any additional requirements to ensure the fit- out complies with the food safety standards. Council will provide an approval with conditions which must be met prior to finalising the fit-out of your premises.

Stage 2 – Food Business Licence
Complete the Food Licence Application form EHF2. Once you obtain your approval for Fit-Out of a premises, if you have not already done so, you must apply for a food business licence and nominate a Food Safety Supervisor with the appropriate qualifications (see information on Food Safety Supervisors).
EHF2 - Application - Food Business Licence Fillable E 24-25 (317.5 KiB)
A final inspection will be carried out by an Environmental Health Officer will advise of any outstanding requirements that need to be attended to prior to opening.

Stage 3 – Final Inspection
Council will organise a time with you to undertake a food safety inspection to determine the suitability of the premises.
If council determines that your application complies with the Food Act 2006, you will be issued a food business licence certificate which will need to be displayed when you are operating.

Other checks required
Before submitting a food licence application you should check if other approvals are required:
Planning approval – contact Planning Department 07 4099 9444 or enquiries@douglas.qld.gov.au
Building approval – contact a private certifier
Plumbing approval – contact Plumbing Department 07 4099 9444 or enquiries@douglas.qld.gov.au
Trade waste approvals- contact Plumbing Department 07 4099 9444 or enquiries@douglas.qld.gov.au