WHITE crosses representing fallen Douglas soldiers will be placed at the Port Douglas cenotaph to mark the 107th Anniversary of the Anzac’s landing at Gallipoli.
Mossman State High School students will lay the 67 small timber crosses during Mossman RSL President Ron Savage’s reading of the fallen on Anzac Day this year.
The crosses were created and painted by volunteers from the Mossman Men’s Shed, with names etched into a plaque by local engraver Janet Goodall.
Mossman RSL Secretary Wally Gray, his wife Chris and fellow branch member Bryan Smith ensembled the crosses, placed a red poppy on each and dipped them in protective coating.
Mr Gray said 66 crosses have names of fallen local soldiers, while one cross was unnamed to represent soldiers not recorded.
“Newell Beach Takeaway came up with the idea and donated funds towards the project which was very generous,” he said.
“By putting a protective coating on these, we hope to use every year and make it somewhat of a local ritual.
“I would like to encourage everyone to pay their respects at our local services this year and remember our fallen soldiers.”
The Daintree Ferry will be open at 4am on Anzac Day to accommodate ferry users wishing to attend dawn services.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr, who will address the Mossman and Port Douglas services, said Anzac Day would be another special occasion.
“Our local community always comes together to honour those who served our beautiful country over the years,” he said.
“I look forward to commemorating the mateship, courage and sacrifice of our brave Anzac soldiers.”
Anzac Day 2022 Services – Douglas Shire
Douglas Shire will remember the fallen at traditional ANZAC Day services on Monday 25 April 2022.
Representatives from the Royal Australian Navy will attend services in Port Douglas and Mossman.
The 107th Anniversary of the Anzac’s landing at Gallipoli will start with a dawn service at the Mossman Cenotaph on Front St at 5.15am, with official proceedings from 5.25am.
Dignitaries from the Mossman RSL, the clergy, State Member for Cook Cynthia Lui and Douglas Shire Council will be present.
Port Douglas
In Port Douglas, people will meet at Port Village in Macrossan Street from 10am and begin the march towards the cenotaph at 10:15 am.
Official proceedings then commence at the cenotaph in ANZAC Park at 10:30 am.
ROAD CLOSURE: Corner of Wharf Street and Macrossan Street, and Macrossan Street from Grant Street to Wharf Street will be closed to traffic from 6am till 12pm with detours in place.
Cow Bay
People will meet at My Pathways car park (1475 Cape Tribulation Road) at 4:35am and march to the Cow Bay Cenotaph, Official proceedings begin at 5:00am.
Groups attending Anzac Day services:
School groups, community groups and sporting clubs are welcome to attend but we request that you be mindful of space at the cenotaph and the space required for each group.