Council approves radio towers
THREE new radio towers will be built at the Mossman Gorge to improve communications and visitor safety at the popular tourist site.
Douglas Shire Council yesterday approved a development application to upgrade the existing telecommunications between the Mossman Gorge Centre and gorge itself.
This includes the improved operation of shuttle bus services and overall tourism operations.
The application was lodged by Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia Pty Ltd.
With the poor UHF and service coverage within the Gorge, the upgrades will improve the safety of patrons and staff on the Gorge access road and decrease time taken to respond to emergencies.
Grants program gets shake-up ahead of launch
Council’s annual grants program has been streamlined to encourage more applications.
The Business, Community Support and Event Funding programs have been revised into a Major Grant Category, while Place-making and Micro Grants are new categories.
The Regional Arts Development Funding grant remains unchanged.
The funding pool of revised grant funding streams include:
– Major Grant – $60,000 ($2,001 – $10,000)
– Place making – $5,000 (Up to $2,000)
– Micro grant – $10,000 (Up to $2,000)
– Regional Arts Development Fund – $45,000
The 2019/20 grant program will be launched when the Major Grant round opens in early September, with information sessions to be held for potential applicants.
Port Douglas Tennis Club offered new lease
A NEW lease will be served up to the Port Douglas Tennis Club.
Douglas Shire Council yesterday resolved to offer a 10-year lease to supports the club’s 55 members, hitting a sweet spot for sports and recreation in Douglas Shire.
The club has invested more than $190,000 into site improvements including upgrades to court, fencing, drainage and lighting, as well as clearing vegetation and repainting the clubhouse.
Council also set aside $11,000 in the 2019-20 Annual Budget to replace the current fence.
– 47 Seniors and 8 juniors
– Casual hire fees are $15 per hour plus $5.50 for lights, if used.
– During school term, junior coaching is held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, plus adults on Tuesday night.
– Social evenings every Monday, Thursday and Friday from 6pm.
– Social sessions on Wednesday morning from 9am.
– Regular social tournaments on weekends throughout the year.