A SUBSIDISED Community Bus service will be trialled across Douglas this month to give community members greater access to local libraries, shopping, medical and community centres.
The trial is a collaboration between TransitCare and Douglas Shire community service groups, and will commence in the coming week. The initial trial period will run for 3 weeks, with the service operating Monday to Friday. Pre-registration for the service is essential.

The service will operate across 3 zones, with an additional drop-off only zone:
- Wonga Zone – Includes the residential areas of Wonga Beach, Whyanbeel, and up to the Daintree River Crossing.
- Mossman Zone – Includes the residential areas of Killaloe, Cassowary, Shannonvale, Cooya Beach, Mossman, Mossman Gorge, Newell Beach, Miallo and Rocky Point and , and up to the Wonga Beach zone.
- Port Douglas Zone – includes residential areas of Oak Beach, Mowbray, Craiglie, Port Douglas, and up to the Mossman Zone.
An additional drop off zone stretching from Port Douglas to Palm Cove. Return trips from this zone are negotiable depending on driver availability.
Subsidised travel fees are applied based on travel throughout zones. Travel within your pick-up zone will be $2, and travel to subsequent zones is charged at a subsidised fee as per the below schedule.
Fee schedule:

Community bus fees are subject to change.
Community Bus Zones across Douglas Shire:

Pre registration for the service is essential. Contact your local Douglas Library, closest community service organisation, or Douglas Council to register:
Mossman Library 4099 9496
Port Douglas Library 4099 9497
Mossman Community Centre 4098 2836
Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre 4099 5518
Mossman Elders Justice Group 4098 3482
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation 4098 1305
Douglas Shire Council, Enquiries 4099 9444
Given remote locations included in the trial, pick up and drop off points may be established to ensure a feasible operation of the service.
Securing this service beyond the trial period will be dependent on support and intake during the trial period.
An affordable contribution for services will be determined by distance travelled noting that TransitCare have a hardship policy in place for those unable to meet costs.
For further information about the service contact Alexandra Earl on 4099 9431 or alexandra.earl@douglas.qld.gov.au.