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In March 2018, there was a significant landslip above Murphy Street, Port Douglas. Emergency works returned the area to a reasonable level of service within four weeks. Council has since secured disaster recovery funding, which covers “like for like” and will contribute further funding to improve the streetscape to the normal urban standards with the installation of kerb and guttering.

Council has recently gone out to tender for the repair works designed to reduce the risk of future landslips and to promote vegetation re-growth once repairs are completed.

The project is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)

Project Updates

September 2020

NATIVE seedlings have been added to three large landslips on Murphy Street, Port Douglas in a bid to re-vegetate the repaired hill slopes. Douglas Shire Council is nearing the end of the $3.1 million repairs on the street, which required more than 1500 cubic metres of debris to be removed after a torrential downpour March 2018. Read more here. 

JULY 2020

• Drilling activities expected to be completed by July 10.
• While traffic impacts will continue until construction is complete, the concrete blocks on the road will be progressively removed by July 10
• Aiming to be complete construction by mid-August
• Next activities include netting of the slip face, vegetating slip face, finalising drainage improvements and road surfaces
• Garden beds will be planted from mid-August

APRIL 2020

Site one is substantially complete and will shortly awaiting asphalt repairs. Drilling works are complete for site two and mesh installation is progressing well. Drilling has commenced at site three with temporary earth bunds installed for access.

MARCH 2020

The contractor has completed drilling at the Murphy Street and Grant Street landslip. Installation of surface matting will start shortly. Drilling will move to the Murphy Street and Owen Street landslip, where drilling is expected to take about one week. The Contractor does not anticipate any interruption to work due to COVID-19, however, this could change.


The contractors are on site and works have started with surveys, service location, drainage and wall-footing activities occurring.


Douglas Shire Council has awarded a $2.6 million tender to repair the landslip on Murphy Street to GEO Design Pty Ltd. GEO Design Pty Ltd will start mobilising equipment on site Monday 6 January 2020, with construction activity anticipated to start later next month. Construction is expected by be completed in June 2020. Read the full update. 


Tenders for the Murphy Street landslip repairs were released to the market 1 October 2019 and closed 31 October, 2019. Given the project’s proximity to Macrossan Street and the function of Murphy Street itself, including access to premium holiday accommodation and a pedestrian walking trail to the beach and headlands, high emphasis has been placed on innovative measures in the tenderer’s offer to address community concerns. Read the full update, here.


Summary of findings from community consultation with update on construction schedule, dates, times, noise, dust and potential changes to traffic. This update also includes considerations for suggested design elements and other important topics like drainage, signage and street lighting. Read the full update, here.

Murphy St Landslip Repair
Murphy street landslip aerial photo

Community Consultation

To participate, click on the project or activity you are interested in


Formal consultation has now closed, for any further feedback please contact Gaye Scott on 0418 793 009 or

[CLICK HERE] to view details of past consultation


For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Gaye Scott on 0418 793 009 or

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