Daintreepedia is a 28-page guide which list all the tours, attractions and restaurants in the Daintree.
With a high turnover of hospitality staff, travellers looking for advice on what to do the in the region can be met with blank looks from those who have only just stepped off the plane and been co-opted into full time employment before having the chance to explore the region.
Daintreepedia becomes their best friend as a it contains everything travellers will ever want to know about the Daintree.
The information is compiled and checked by over 120 businesses, who share their knowledge about local swimming holes, walking trails, driving distances, 4WD adventures, unique indigenous experiences and a whole lot more.
Daintreepedia has been available online for several years but this year a glossy booklet has been distributed to resorts, holiday homes, backpackers and camping grounds throughout the shire.
Having copies in each room means guests can peruse information at their leisure to plan their Daintree adventure.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the Daintreepedia project was a great example how Council’s micro grants can be used to get initiatives off the ground.
“Publishers knew Daintreepedia would be embraced by the tourism industry, but without having a track record, it was hard to demonstrate value for sponsors”.
“The micro grant from Council enabled the print quantity to be doubled”.
“The uptake has been wonderful, and the expectation is that the 2023 edition will be self-funding”.
You can download the online version of Daintreepedia here
To learn more about Council’s Grants Program click here
Carolyn did a fantastic job hand delivering copies not only around the shire, but to visitor information centres in Cairns, Babinda, Mareeba and the Atherton Tablelands.